Charleston Raconteurs' is committed to our guests' safety, just as we are to your having a great tour experience. We are complying fully with the City of Charleston's Tour Guide Guidelines regarding the management of tours during the COVID-19 pandemix as released May 20, 2020. Thank you for reading and adhering to the following guidelines:
1. More more than 10 guests allowed per tour. Guests will follow social distancing guidelines, allowing at least six feet among each other.
2. Guests should bring and must wear their own facemasks. Recognizing the potential for overheating or breathing difficulties caused by masks, the length of our tour will be evaluated daily based on weather conditions.
3. Your guide will wear a mask when standing closer than six feet and will have hand sanitizer.
4. We will ask all guests to sign authorizations and/or waivers that no patron has had a fever or COVID-19-like symptoms in the past 14 days.
5. We have posted these guidelines on our website so that our guests will know what to expect regarding COVID-19 safety protocol.
6. Our guides will share COVID-19 safety guidelines with our guests at the start of the tour.
7. All Charleston Raconteur tours will follow CDC, DHEC guidelines and industry standards.

Charleston during the Great Flu Pandemic of 1918
Charleston has faced many epidemics over the city's history. Learn more about our city's historic epidemics.