Sure, you know all of the historic names one finds in history textbooks: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, the signers of the Declaration of Independence. Yet most of history is made by those whose names you'll never come across, people just living their lives and changing the future of the world with every move or decision they make. An avowed taphophile, Leigh Handal shares little-known stories of some of her favorite dead people in Charleston.

Breaker, Susan M.

Broun, Archibald

Broun, Dr. Robert and Elizabeth

Clark, Septima Poinsett

Coming, John and Affra

Howard, Bevo

Jenkins, The Rev. Daniel

Ladd, Dr. Joseph Brown

The Lofton Family

Loocock, Aaron

Matthews, James

Motte, Rebecca Brewton

Pinckney, Col. Charles

Ross, George

Shier, L.E.A.

Wayne, Arthur Trezevant & Maria Louisa Porcher Wayne